7 Types of Critics

7 Types of Critics
In this life, it is impossible to sail smoothly without facing some hiccups in the form of critics. No matter what you do, some will praise you while others will have something negative to think or talk about. of importance is to remain focused on the goal and ensure that you are within acceptable parameters.
During the day, I wondered how many types of critics are there in life. Can they be categorized? My thoughts culminated in the following types:
1. Blabbers – These have no idea who you are, what are you about, or where you came from. They open their mouths to speak out of ignorance.  They don’t know what experiences you have gone and seem to find offence in what you do. They have many words and no substance. They may even hate you and brand you proud for being yourself. Don’t waste your time and energy saying anything to these kind. They have no capacity to comprehend the simplest of concepts.
2. Naysayers – They see nothing good in you. Whether you do or not do, you are wrong. They have set their minds on the “null mode” and can never imagine anything good coming from you. When about to be convinced that you are actually “somebody”, they will cite external help like the weather and friends to show that you were assisted and couldn’t achieve anything by yourself. The best medicine for such critics is to ignore them. They are like wet blankets that smother life out of you.
 3. Backstabbers – These are the worst kind of critics for they laugh with you but wish you dead.  They pretend to very close and may even offer you some help. When you are in trouble, they will surround you with crocodile tears while in their hearts they are rejoicing. These people are like moles that eat your roots from the underground. They claim to cover your back but in essence stab you as soon as your face turns away. Due to the danger they pose, the only medicine is to avoid them completely. It may take time to notice them but once you do, you are better off without them.
4. Speed governors – Their aim is to stop you from moving ahead. This kind cannot stand you rising above them.  One problem they have is jealousy. They may insinuate that you stole to be where you are, slept with the boss to get a promotion, or gave a bribe to win a contract. They don’t slow you down for your own good but out of their dissatisfaction with life and insecurity. This type need insulation but not isolation. Your moving forward might encourage them to rise above average life.
5. Mark timers – Closely related to speed governors are the mark timers. They find comfort when you are at the same level with them. Their joy is when they see eagles scratching with chickens. They love the comfort zone and don’t want anyone stepping out. They are happy with the status quo. These critics need encouragement more than reprimand. They have not yet realized that there is more to life than “warming a bench and counting birds.”
6. Growers – This critic is in the realm of what people call “positive criticism.” Growers build you by their words and actions. They may see some negative things but will not use them to “kill” you. Their conversation is tampered with great concern for your success. They are like surgeons who may inflict pain in removing a boil but eventually, you are the one who will benefit. You need these type very close to you. With an open heart, you are likely to learn more from them.
7. Rockets – Still in the realm of positive criticism are the rockets. The aim of rockets is to propel you ahead. They believe in you and will say hard stuff. They desire to see you scale the heights and become all that you can be in life. They won’t mince their words and always wonder why you cannot  aim a little higher. They are not easily impressed by small gains. They know what you can do and will not sit back crying with you when you are supposed to out there covering some ground. With these guys, you have to bite the bullet and see their intentions. You may need to engage them more to help you become that great person they envision.
What kind of critic are you?
Image from the internet

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